


我们的网上, 异步程序的目的是装备你必要的技能和知识,成为一个IT支持专家. The program comprises ten modules that cover essential topics in technical support, 硬件和操作系统, 软件, 编程和数据库, 网络和存储, 网络安全要点, 云计算. 每门课程都设计为互动和实践, 通过虚拟实验室和练习,使您能够将新发现的知识应用到实际场景中. 项目完成后, 你不仅会被ODU授予结业证书, but you'll also be eligible to earn the Cloud Computing Core IBM Digital Badge, and will have acquired the knowledge to sit for the CompTIA ITF+ exam.


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The IT industry is growing rapidly, and there is a high demand for IT 支持 Specialists. Our program is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for, 增加你在这个领域找到工作的机会.

我们的课程内容直接来自IBM和谷歌! 成功完成课程后, not only will students earn a certificate from bet8体育娱乐入口, but you'll also be eligible to earn the Cloud Computing Core IBM Digital Badge, and will have acquired the knowledge to sit for the CompTIA ITF+ exam.

我们的网上, asynchronous program is designed to fit around your schedule. 你可以按照自己的节奏学习, and you don't need to worry about attending classes at specific times. While most students complete the program in 3-4 months, we give you up to 6 months to finish. You can access our course materials and virtual labs whenever and wherever you like.

The IT industry is growing rapidly, and there is a high demand for IT 支持 Specialists. Our program is designed to provide you with the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for, 增加你在这个领域找到工作的机会.

我们的课程内容直接来自IBM和谷歌! 成功完成课程后, not only will students earn a certificate from bet8体育娱乐入口, but you'll also be eligible to earn the Cloud Computing Core IBM Digital Badge, and will have acquired the knowledge to sit for the CompTIA ITF+ exam.

我们的网上, asynchronous program is designed to fit around your schedule. 你可以按照自己的节奏学习, and you don't need to worry about attending classes at specific times. While most students complete the program in 3-4 months, we give you up to 6 months to finish. You can access our course materials and virtual labs whenever and wherever you like.


学生将按照自己的节奏学习, and don't need to worry about attending classes at specific times. While most students complete the program in 3-4 months, we give you up to 6 months to finish. You can access our course materials and virtual labs whenever and wherever you like. All content is hosted on the Coursera platform, and is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!

bet8体育娱乐入口IT系统支持证书课程由10个不同的模块组成, 内容由IBM和谷歌独家提供. 除了从ODU获得证书, students will earn the IBM Technical 支持 Professional Certificate.


  • 技术支持简介
  • 硬件与操作系统概论
  • 软件、编程和数据库导论
  • 网络与存储导论
  • 网络安全基本知识简介
  • 云计算概论
  • 技术支持案例研究和顶点
  • 操作系统与你:成为一个高级用户
  • 计算机网络的位和字节
  • 系统管理和IT基础设施服务


This course is designed for beginners with no prior IT experience or formal degree. 获得内部人士对IT支持工作的看法. 了解IT支持角色和级别, 支持升级矩阵, 票务系统, 常用支持工具, 远程支持软件. 然后, hear about career opportunities and career pathways from experienced, 信息技术专业人员.


  1. 描述并培养一种客户服务和支持的心态.
  2. 定义IT支持的级别和升级矩阵.
  3. 探索票务系统的特点和好处.
  4. 识别技术支持中使用的支持工具和系统.
  5. 探索各种技术支持角色和职责, 包括服务水平协议责任.
  6. 认识到技术支持的职业道路和发展.




了解计算机的软件大脑——操作系统软件——并探索微软Windows. 熟悉计算机内部组件, 包括主板, 中央处理机(cpu), 内存, 硬盘驱动器, 扩展槽, 和其他人. 学会识别接口、端口、连接器和外围设备,如鼠标、键盘等. 

探索工作站设置过程, 常用操作系统设置, 屏幕截图命令, 计算机获取实践, 以及工作必备的故障排除流程. You will also learn about mobile operating systems, Linux, and macOS, and complete a final project.



Discover the world of 软件 with this comprehensive course designed for beginners. 了解不同类型的软件以及如何从IT角度管理软件. 本课程涵盖软件的基础知识, 云计算, web浏览器, 开发的概念, 编程语言, 数据库基础知识.

完成本课程后, 您将更好地掌握软件流程,并对使用和保护应用程序更有信心. From mobile phone operating systems to workplace database applications, 本课程涵盖了广泛的软件. 您还将学习如何安装和管理web浏览器, 使用扩展和插件, 保持它们的安全和更新. 了解基于云的技术的好处,了解使用云如何帮助企业更快地创建和部署应用程序.

了解软件开发和交付, 以及简单的编程概念和类型, 并熟悉数据库管理基础知识. 

 巩固你的理解,并把你的技能进行测试, 课程以一个具有挑战性的最终项目结束,在这个项目中,你将为日常生活中遇到的问题开发一个完整的解决方案.

您在实际场景中的工作将展示您新获得的专业知识,并展示您对软件的理解, 编程, 和数据库. 



视频, 实践活动, 虚拟动手实验室将帮助您开发和应用诊断和修复基本网络和存储问题所需的技能,以便您可以保持用户连接.

您将了解网络类型, 拓扑, 和模型, 了解数据如何在网络中传输, and discover how protocols and standards enable all network activity. 然后, you’ll learn how to set up and configure devices and cables for both wired and wireless networks.

然后,您将学习如何诊断和排除网络连接问题,并了解如何在Windows设置中使用命令行实用程序和网络工具. 在那之后, 您将识别不同类型的存储驱动器,并发现短期和长期记忆之间的区别. Lastly, you’ll find out the features of local, offsite, and cloud storage and when to use each. 你要调查档案, 块, 对象存储和计算出哪个云提供商的解决方案最适合不同的网络场景.


Build key skills needed to recognize common security threats and risks. 发现网络攻击的特征,并了解组织如何采用最佳实践来防范它们.

专为初学者设计, this course dives into the world of cybersecurity to give you the critical skills employers need. 本课程还支持技术支持角色的需求, who can find themselves on the front lines of defense for cybersecurity issues.

Learn about malware and explore methods for securing and managing confidential information.  然后, discover how to configure browsers to help reduce security breaches.


This course introduces you to the core concepts of 云计算. 您将获得从业务角度理解云计算以及成为云从业者所需的基础知识. You understand the definition and essential characteristics of 云计算, 它的历史, 云计算的商业案例, 以及由云支持的新兴技术用例. We introduce you to some of the prominent service providers of our times (e.g. AWS、谷歌、IBM、微软等.他们提供的服务, and look at some case studies of 云计算 across industry verticals.

您将了解各种云服务模型(IaaS), PaaS, SaaS)和部署模型(Public, 私人, 混合)和云基础设施的关键组件(虚拟机), 网络, 存储-文件, 块, Object, CDN). We also cover emergent cloud trends and practices including - Hybrid Multicloud, Microservices, Serverless, DevOps, 云原生和应用程序现代化. 我们将介绍云安全的基础知识, 监控, 以及在云行业中不同的工作角色.

Even though this course does not require any prior 云计算 or 编程 experience, 在课程结束时, 您将在IBM Cloud上创建自己的帐户,并通过提供云服务和使用它获得一些实际操作经验.

完成本课程也使您有资格获得云计算核心IBM数字徽章.  更多关于徽章的信息,请点击这里:



IT技术支持顶点将引导您完成一系列需要动手解决的技术支持案例研究. You will practice analyzing user help requests and troubleshooting various issues. You’ll demonstrate your knowledge of hardware, 软件, networking, security, 云计算. 您还将展示您对升级的理解, 支持水平, 票务系统, 以及其他支持工具和系统. 一路走来, 您将展示您所学到的有效技术支持的基本沟通和客户服务技能.

在课程结束时, 您将更好地了解如何在日常专业设置中使用您的技术支持技能. You’ll also be prepared to take the CompTIA ITF+ exam for certification.


在本课程中——通过视频讲座的组合, 示威活动, 动手练习——你将学习操作系统的主要组件,以及如何执行关键任务,如管理软件和用户, 配置硬件.


  1. 使用图形用户界面和命令行解释器导航Windows和Linux文件系统
  2. 设置用户、组和帐户访问权限
  3. install, configure, and remove 软件 on the Windows and Linux operating systems
  4. 配置磁盘分区和文件系统
  5. 了解系统流程如何工作以及如何管理它们
  6. 使用系统日志和远程连接工具
  7. utilize operating system knowledge to troubleshoot common issues in an IT 支持 Specialist role


This course is designed to provide a full overview of computer networking. 我们将涵盖从现代网络技术和协议的基础知识到云的概述,再到实际应用和网络故障排除的所有内容.


  1. 用五层模型描述计算机网络
  2. understand all of the standard protocols involved with TCP/IP communications
  3. 掌握强大的网络故障排除工具和技术
  4. learn network services like DNS and DHCP that help make computer networks run
  5. underst云计算, everything as a service, and cloud storage


This course will transition you from working on a single computer to an entire fleet. 系统管理是负责在多用户环境中维护可靠的计算机系统的IT领域. 在本课程中, you’ll learn about the infrastructure services that keep all organizations, 大与小, 启动并运行. 我们将深入探讨云,以便您了解从典型的云基础设施设置到如何管理云资源的所有内容. 您还将学习如何管理和配置服务器,以及如何使用行业工具来管理计算机, 用户信息, 用户生产力. 最后, you’ll learn how to recover your organization’s IT infrastructure in the event of 一场灾难.


  1. utilize best practices for choosing hardware, vendors, and services for your organization
  2. understand how the most common infrastructure services that keep an organization


  1. understand how to make the most of the cloud for your organization
  2. manage an organization’s computers and users using the directory services, Active


  1. 选择和管理您的组织将使用的工具
  2. backup your organization’s data and know how to recover your IT infrastructure in the case of


  1. utilize systems administration knowledge to plan and improve processes for IT environments


  • 获得基本技能和知识:该计划涵盖了广泛的技术支持基本主题, 硬件和操作系统, 软件, 编程和数据库, 网络和存储, 网络安全要点, 云计算. 通过学习这门课程, you will develop a comprehensive understanding of the fundamentals of IT 支持, and gain valuable skills that will prepare you for a career in the field.

  • 提高就业能力:该计划旨在为您提供雇主正在寻找的入门级技能和知识, which increase your chances of landing a job in the field of IT 支持.




按照你自己的节奏. 学生有6个月的时间完成课程.




